Fallout of AUAB and Standard E2/E3 Pay Scales

Dear Members,

As you are aware that so called majority associations and unions (including SNEA, AIGETOA and AIBSNLEA, etc.) under the umbrella of AUAB, are misleading the BSNL Recruited Executives on the pending issues of 2nd PRC, more particularly Standard E2-E3 Pay Scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007. Therefore, we are here to recapitulate and reiterate the true facts of Standard E2/E3 Pay Scales.

On 03.12.2018, AUAB had a meeting with Sh. Manoj Sinha, Hon'ble MoSC on various issues pertaining to BSNL employees. But, these campaigning associations misled the mass, especially post 2007 recruitees, that Hon'ble Minister had directed Secretary DoT to process E2/E3 at earliest. See the screenshot of AIGETOA website. Whereas, the shocking truth came out when the minutes of meeting were issued, which clearly showed that the issue of Standard E2/E3 Pay Scales was never ever taken-up before Hon'ble MoSC and AUAB gave false as well as political statement to keep its members afloat. See the minutes of meeting.

AIBSNLEA sung altogether different song on Standard E2/E3 Pay Scales, whereby it demanded up-gradation of all scales, which factually led to the delay of good 12 years in finalisation of Standard E2/E3 pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007. See the screenshot of AIBSNLEA website. Now, comes the turn of so called majority association SNEA, which is hell-bent on causing perennial loss to entire executive fraternity by demanding lower Standard E1 pay scales + 5 increments w.e.f. 01.01.2007.

The bluffs of these associations, on the issue of Standard E2/E3 Pay Scales, are apparent from the fact that DoT has given altogether different counter reply in Hon'ble Chandigarh CAT and that too after the AUAB meeting dated 03.12.2018 with Minister Sahib! DoT is still justifying its stand which led to issuance of arbitral and capricious Presidential order dated 28.03.2017. See the Counter Reply given by DoT before Hon'ble Chandigarh CAT.

Dear Members, it is reiterated and assured that finalisation of E2/E3 Standard Pay Scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 is the only solution to this stalemate. And, we are about to achieve it through OA already filed before Hon'ble Chandigarh CAT. The Counter Reply given by DoT before Hon'ble Chandigarh CAT is going to bite dust there. We already apprised all of you that AUAB is mere a platform to achieve the things for executives already retired or about to retire. And, expecting AUAB to do something for BSNL Recruited Executives is just a mischief.

Regards and Wishes,
Surinder Mahar
+91 94674 00540